What a great turnout this past Wednesday evening! It was a blessing to witness such interest in the selection of our new minister. I want to personally thank all the men who led us in this prayer service. May God bless our elders with wisdom in this momentous decision.
It is easy to become hardened by things we see in today’s world and turn a blind eye. For example, when a drug addict overdoses, do we just sigh and conclude they got what they deserved? While I could come up with many more such examples using chain smokers, alcoholics, gang members, etc., the point is that it is often easy to look down our noses at those who live recklessly. Or, live on a different socio-economic plane. Or, let’s be honest, are simply different from us.
The continuing goal of Christians is to be more Christ-like. Listen to this example of Jesus – one that was oft-repeated. Matthew 14:14 – “And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.” Now listen to the parallel account in Mark 6:34 – “And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.” Based on the two records, Jesus healed the people and taught them – and then He fed all 5,000 of them!
Jesus showed compassion to everyone He met whether blind, lame, leprous, poor, hungry, or sinner. May we all strive to be more compassionate!
I want to be more like Jesus, And follow Him day by day;
I want to be true and faithful, And ev’ry command obey.
I want to be kind and gentle, To those who are in distress;
To comfort the broken-hearted With sweet words of tenderness.