Wednesday, January 22nd: Chinese New Year Outreach Night! Dinner will be at 6pm, invite your friends our goal is to have 50 students in class!
Sunday, January 26th: Youth Movie productions! Immediately after worship the teens will get lunch, and then film a movie around Murfreesboro. The movie will be used in a Lads 2 Leaders competition but you don’t have to participate in L2L to be part of the movie.
Tuesday, January 28th: Biscuits n’ Prayer at Chick-fil-a we will meet at 7am and pray at 7:20am. Students can leave as needed to arrive at school on time.
Thursday, January 30th: Equipped: Lads 2 Leaders practice for all ages! Practice is for all ages participating in L2L and will begin at 6:30pm and will go until about 8pm. Practice is a big part of what makes L2L so beneficial for our youth!
February, 21st-23rd: Challenge Youth Conference (CYC). Please sign up asap, you can learn more here!! Cost is $100.