
What Will You Do?

by Justin Morton

Good Morning! Welcome to Walter Hill. We are so thankful you have chosen to be here this morning. We hope and pray you will find our service both uplifting and according to the truth. If you have any questions about your visit, just let one of the shepherds or ministers know. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. We invite you back any time you have the opportunity to be with us.

Ladies’ Day: Yesterday several of our ladies participated in our annual Intergenerational Ladies’ Day. I know everyone who attended was blessed by this occasion. How great it is that ALL our ladies had the opportunity to come together for study, worship and fellowship. If you missed out this year, certainly make plans to attend this wonderful event next year. You will be glad you did.

Jonah Sermon Series: Today, we begin week 3 of our sermon series “Jonah: Reluctant Prophet, Relentless God.” I hope and pray our study of this book has been both challenging and exciting. After all, it’s about so much more than just a man and his experience of being swallowed by a great fish; it’s really a story about God and His amazing mercy.

Like Jonah, we all have been commissioned to go and preach to people whose wickedness has gone up before God. They are on a path that leads to destruction and separation. Will we be like Jonah before his fish experience and run from God’s call to go and share His message with such people? Or will we respond like Jonah after his fish experience and go and preach the message God has given us to proclaim? The choice is ours. What will you do?