Walter Hill Youth exist to equip disciples of Christ as a family to change our world. We aim to accomplish this by empowering teenagers to BELONG in Christ’s church, GROW in Christlikeness, and to LEAD others to Christ. 

Belong to Christ's Church

Just like a school of fish stick together, we want our youth to BELONG together. Most importantly we want our youth to know Jesus died on the cross, so they could belong to Him. Life is so much better when we are part of God's family. We want students to belong not only in our youth ministry but within the broader context of our congregation. Since Christ died for all, we want to be a youth group where anyone can belong!

We try to create a since of belonging through:
- Monthly Devotionals
- Visiting the Elderly of our Congregation
- Fam Groups
- Wednesday Night Bible Class

Grow in Christlikeness

Anyone who has ever planted a garden knows it takes hard work to grow vegetables, and the same is true for disciples of Christ. We want to empower our students to grow, more and more like Jesus, through our ministry. Most importantly we want our students to know how to grow on their own. 

We try to empower students to grow by:
- Sunday Night Bible Class
- Fam Groups
- Retreats and Camp
- Wednesday Night Class

Lead Others to Christ

Just like a compass can lead us home, we want our youth to lead others home to the Savior. Christ has given us the mission to make more followers of Christ. We want to equip and encourage our students to share the Great News of Jesus Christ, and to follow the example of servant leadership set by Jesus, Himself.

We try to equip students to lead by:
- Evangelism University and Reaching Rutherford
- Friendship Evangelism Challenge
- Wednesday Night Bible Class
- Student Lead Ministries (coming soon)