Men’s Leadership Day at Walter Hill will be Saturday, January 11. All men of the congregation, including our young men, are encouraged to attend. This year, Matt Miller from 109 church of Christ will be our speaker. More info to come.
Author: janicevance
New Year’s Eve Fellowship
Make plans to spend New Year’s Eve with your church family. We will begin at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31. Please bring your favorite finger foods and drinks to share. Also bring your favorite games. We will eat and then play games until around 11:30 p.m. After that, we will clean up and sing in the New Year! If you have any questions, please see Lisa Richardson.
Presents or Presence?
by Justin Morton
It’s that time of year. The decorations are out, the tree is up and the floor beneath the tree is filled with presents, or at least it will be soon. Growing up I vividly remember the excitement that Christmas brought. I could not wait to unwrap all those mysterious presents labeled with my name. Now that I am older, the thrill has moved from unwrapping presents for myself to watching my family and loved ones unwrap the presents I bought for them. I love being able to give presents and see the joy on their faces when they unbox a gift chosen just for them.
Giving presents to those we love is wonderful any time of year. However, what if the gifts that fill the floor around our Christmas tree are not the best present we truly have to offer those we love? Instead of focusing on finding the one present that is going to bring a few moments of satisfaction, what if we look to give the gift of our presence to those we love? This gift will bring more than a few fleeting moments of excitement; it will bring a lifetime of joy and memories.
Many of us are so busy with our careers and activities that we struggle to slow down and give our full attention to those we love. Even during this time of year, we may become focused on shopping, decorations, events and parties, and we miss out on sharing valuable moments with our friends and families. Friends, never forget our time on this earth is very limited. James described our lives as a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away (Jam. 4:14). Some of us have experienced how quickly this life moves as we’ve had people we love pass from this world much sooner than we anticipated. May we always live with the realization that time with our loved ones is precious.
I truly believe this is the most wonderful time of the year. However, do you know what would make this time of year even better? If we focused less on the presents we want to buy and spent more energy on the presence we do have to give. This Christmas give your loved ones the only present they really need: your presence.
PrimeTimers will end the year with a festive get-together on the evening of Sunday, December 29. Dinner will be provided at a cost of $10 per person. Please see PrimeTimers’ board in EDW for more details and to sign up. If you have any questions, please see Dayna Lanius, Jonna McCracken, or Roxy Norwood.
Shepherds’ Notes
Each year seems to pass more quickly than the previous year. As we draw near to the end of each year, it seems to be such a busy time. No matter how much we think the next year will be different, 2024 doesn’t seem any different. We may try to alter our plans so we will not be as busy, but it seems we wind up as busy or busier than the previous year. We all have so many places to be and things to do at this time of the year as we celebrate the holidays and try to wrap up the year.
With Thanksgiving last week and Christmas in just a few weeks, it is easy to get caught up in the holiday rush and lose track of our priorities. I hope that during the next few weeks, we can take some time to reflect on this past year. Have we accomplished everything we set out to do at the beginning of the year? Did we make new year’s resolutions and keep them all year? Perhaps we planned to read our bibles every day, be more faithful in our attendance at worship services, pray more, visit others more, send cards of encouragement or teach the lost about Jesus and His saving power. Did we plan to be a better example for others we work with or go to school with? So, now it is time to look back and see how we did with all these plans. Sometimes, we fall short of the plans we make at the beginning of the year and just give up. In just a few weeks, it will be 2025. What goals do we have for the new year and what are we doing to prepare to meet these goals? A good place to start is to pray for God to give us wisdom and help us keep the goals we want to accomplish. Pray that our plans align with God’s plans. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us that God is never far from us. “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
As you plan for the new year, please make it a priority to put God first in everything. Be grateful to Him for all the blessings He continues to give us. We look forward to our worship and fellowship together in the new year. As we come to the end of another year, I wish you peace and joy through the holidays and hope you enjoy all the blessings God gives you each day.
From Numbers 6:24-26, “The Lord bless you and keep you;The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”
Safe and Sound in God’s Church
by Chris Elrod
While there is immense evil in our world, Genesis 6:5 helps us remember things could be worse. It reads: “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” At times it seems as if evil multiples in our world to the point that is all that exist.
We know things haven’t reached this point because we are able to witness so much good from our brothers and sisters here at Walter Hill. While we can witness so much evil and craziness in our world, we are able to read Genesis 6:5 and be encouraged that this statement is not true to the degree it was then. The rest of Genesis 6 describes God deciding to send the flood to condemn humanity for their wickedness. Noah and his family are the only ones God chooses to save by allowing Noah to build an ark for his family.
God has dealt with the evil in our world in a very different way, yet there are many parallels between what God did then and what God has done for us. God sent Noah to build an ark to save his family, likewise Jesus has been sent today to build a church to save His family!
On the day of Pentecost, Peter preaches the first Gospel message, and it is from this sermon that we can read a second verse that seems to describe our world so well, even though it (like Genesis 6:5) was used to describe a completely different generation. In Acts 2:40 Luke records Peter’s exhortation to, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” It’s as if Peter is saying this to us directly.
The way we escape our crooked generation does not involve entering an ark in preparation of a flood, but rather the church in preparation for the 2nd coming. We do this by being added to God’s church, through repenting of our sins, confessing Christ, and being baptized (Acts 2:38 & Romans 10:9-10). Then we must be fully dedicated to God and His church, just as they were in the 1st century (Acts 2:42-47).
There is a lot of evil in our world, but even so we can be just as sure that God has a plan to save those who are in His church, just as He saved Noah and his family who were in His ark. How great to know we serve a God who is in complete and total control. When the world around us seems out of control may we find peace in knowing we are safe and sound in God’s church.
Shepherds’ Notes
For many years, Walter Hill has supported mission work in foreign countries and within the U.S. This support has come in the form of financial support and personal involvement as groups over the years have made mission trips to various locations. Sixteen missionaries or mission organizations were budgeted for 2024 and two more will be added in 2025.
Trampas McCracken is our deacon over missions. He and his committee are to be thanked for their work. In the article below, Trampas spotlights one mission effort that has shown to be productive in God’s kingdom.
The Multiplying Effect of Missions
Over the past two years at Walter Hill, we’ve embraced two powerful themes: 2023 Disciple – Be one, make some and 2024 Equip – Preparing His people for service (Ephesians 4:11-13). These themes have guided us through tremendous lessons and studies, equipping us to share the gospel and lead others to God. Our commitment extends beyond our local community, as we support several missions both locally and abroad on a monthly basis.
Last year, I had the privilege of traveling to Uganda with 12 fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Despite some adventures and delays, we stayed focused on our mission to teach others about the gospel. The warm reception and love we received at each stop were truly heartwarming. One memorable encounter was with a preacher named Nason Nzoghu, who brought 25 members from his congregation to meet us. At the time, his church had 126 members. Since we began supporting his work with $250 monthly, the congregation has grown to 345 members.
Our additional support has enabled Nason to expand his outreach efforts significantly. He has been able to organize more community events, provide essential resources like Bibles and study materials, and offer support to families in need. This has not only increased church membership but also strengthened the local community by fostering a sense of unity and purpose.
Moreover, the support has led to many positive changes we’ve witnessed in many different regions in Uganda and are a testament to the power of your collective efforts and faith for this work.
If you’d like to learn more about our brothers and sisters in Uganda, please let me know.
Lads to Leaders
L2L is for both girls and boys in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Sign-up sheets for L2L are located at the end of the EDW hallway outside the teen room. We also need adults to sign up to be mentors. See Scott or Heather Miller if you have any questions.
Lean on God’s Family
by Chris Elrod
Everyone is going through something. We often don’t know what people are going through but nonetheless, most people are going through something. This is vital to remember, as it makes interactions with others tricky. Sometimes frustration is poured out on us, but it doesn’t really have anything to do with us. These moments can make showing the love of Christ challenging. Yet, remembering that everyone is going through something can help us be more patient. Afterall, we have likely been guilty of taking our frustrations out on others, unjustifiably. Imagine how our world would be better if we applied the golden rule (Matthew 7:12) more consistently! Reminding ourselves that everyone is experiencing challenges and frustrations, helps us be more patient and calls us to action.
A large amount of the stress and hardships we experience today have to do with mental health. Murfreesboro has felt pain from multiple suicides in the past few weeks. I hope we will pray for the families impacted, and for others who are struggling with depression and various other aspects of mental health. Situations like these reminds us of how desperately we all need Christ and His church! This is our call to action.
We must step up and share God’s love. People need to feel God’s love in the way we display our love toward them. We never know the impact we can have by saying an encouraging word. The world needs to know they are loved by God and His church. So, share the love of God with co-workers, neighbors, or even a random person in the grocery store. Smile, be kind, and respond with love, even to those who are hateful. Live like someone who has been redeemed, not because we deserve it, but because of God’s love.
Lean in on God’s family, and know we love you! We are so blessed to have a church family who loves us and supports us. We have elders who are wise men of God. They are capable of sharing wisdom no matter the challenges we face. Justin and I are here to support our elders in caring for you. All of us love you and are happy to pray for you. Johnny Trail, our church’s therapist, is available on Thursdays and his information can be found in the bulletin and on our church’s website. There are women in our church family who are more than capable of sharing wise counsel with our sisters who might need the help of another sister, and I know women who are Christian counselors who can help you navigate hardship. We are blessed with an abundance of support, if we will use it. The key is to find someone to lean on and to be someone who others can lean on.
Protecting our Children from Social Media
by Chris Elrod
They say, “never say never!” Yet, there are things we should be willing to say never to, especially as Christians. I am beginning to wonder if parents should tell their kids, “Never!” when it comes to social media. Certainly, this is a bold take and might seem extreme. Yet, the evidence points to social media as being extremely dangerous for teenagers and I’m not sure the benefits it offers adults is worth the spiritual and mental risk that comes to us as well.
The fact of the matter is that when we give our children access to social medias, we are giving them highly addictive platforms that allows companies to profit off our children’s attention. Our teens don’t need any more worldly influences shaping them, yet when we allow our children to have access to social media, we are giving our teens the opportunity to become addicted to worldly influences. The algorithms don’t care about spiritual growth. No social media company is interested in our children’s safety, and this is why this matters. Christians must be proactive. God has given parents the responsibility to protect their children from physical and spiritual harm.
I wonder if giving our teens social media is like lighting a cigarette and putting it in our child’s mouth. Much like lung cancer can stay undetected, the toil of social media goes undetected. At least at first, until it begins to be seen in the teens diminishing mental health. Or worse it allows sin to creep in and remain undetected until it’s taken over.
Young parents who have small children please develop a plan for how you will approach social media, now. Don’t wait until your children begin to want social media, develop a plan now. Maybe it looks like saying, “Never!” Afterall, the men and women who lead the social media companies don’t allow their children to have access to these platforms.
If you have allowed your children to have access to social media, you are not a bad parent. I would encourage you to ask how social media is benefiting your teen and research the dangers involved. Remember you are the leading authority in their lives. Maybe they need to see Matthew 18:8-9 come to life as you play an active role in helping them remove things that cause temptation. At the very least, please have conversations with your teens regularly about the impact social media has on their life and help them put healthy boundaries in place.
Ultimately, we decide if it will be in our life and in our children’s life, and if it will be a spiritual hinderance. I hope this reminder has been as helpful for you, as it has been for me.