
From Paul’s Pen

            Attendance numbers have always fascinated me. Even as a child, I would look at the attendance boards during services and try to make mental comparisons from one week to the next. Perhaps this was my way of staying awake during my dad’s sermons! And I continue to have an interest in these figures because they can sometimes be symptomatic of the congregation’s health much like a thermometer is used to determine if a patient has a fever.

            Since resuming Wednesday evening Bible study on April 14th of this year, we have averaged 127 in attendance. (I omitted VBS from these numbers to prevent skewing.) During this same period (with VBS omitted), we averaged 144 on Sunday evenings. With the resurgence of COVID cases, our attendance at both services has dipped slightly – and that is to be expected.

Overall, our Sunday evening attendance is about what we should expect but we can probably do a little better. On the other hand, since we are having our Bible classes on Sunday evening, I would expect our Wednesday evening numbers to be very similar. I know it is difficult for some to attend evening services when it’s dark or when the COVID threat is raised. But we need to ask ourselves why we are not coming on Wednesday evenings (or Sunday evenings). Let’s make sure it is not because of apathy or that other activities are taking precedence. These opportunities may be the piece (or peace) missing in our life!

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

For they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6; NKJV).