by Justin Morton
This is an exciting time for the Walter Hill congregation. God has blessed this congregation in so many ways over the last few years and it is such a joy to watch the way He is working among us. All you have to do is stop and look around and you will see so many wonderful things taking place.
Today we get to be a part of something very exciting. At the close of our service this morning, brother Matt Lanius will be appointed to serve as one of our shepherds. He, along with Brian Byrd, Randy Cary, Randall Smith and Bob Tracy, will look to continue leading and guiding us in accordance with the will of God. I ask you to pray for each of our elders and their families. The role they serve in is not easy, but it is one of the greatest works on earth. They need and deserve our prayers on a regular basis. We are blessed to have this wonderful group of men, with the support of their faithful wives, working with us as shepherds at Walter Hill.
Our young people just got back last Sunday from Evangelism University (EU). If you are not familiar with EU, it’s not a youth rally, but an event designed for high school leaders who are spiritually ready to begin sharing the Gospel with others. We had 9 of our high school students attend this year where they studied the theme Set Free. Those attending also had the ability to choose from several different classes focused on evangelism. I know our young people had a great time and learned from this opportunity. We are blessed to have Chris and Emily working with us and are grateful for all they are doing with our young people.
Our Bible school program continues to grow. We met both of our goals for Sunday and Wednesday evening attendance this past year. We averaged 201 on Sundays and 197 on Wednesdays. That is two straight years of growth for both of those evening class opportunities. We are blessed to have so many different individuals who teach in our Bible school program and we are grateful to each one of them for all of their hard work.
Then there is our ladies, prime-timers, young families and jail ministries. Each of these groups are involved in study, service and fellowship that are impacting our congregation. We are so grateful to all those who lead and participate in these ministries. What a great blessing these ministries are to Walter Hill.
Certainly this list is not exhaustive, but space prevents me from continuing. However, I hope the point is clear; Walter Hill is experiencing some exciting times. What a blessing each and every member is to our family here. May we strive to make 2025 the best year yet.