
Shepherds of the Flock

by Justin Morton

             We have four godly men who currently serve in the role of overseers of our congregation.  They, along with their wives, do so much for our congregation, much of which is never seen or heard.  We are grateful to these men and their families for all their years of service, and we look forward to many more wonderful years of them leading us well into the future.  And while these men are doing a terrific job of shepherding the flock right now, each one of them is mindful of the fact that the work is much bigger than any one of them.  They want to see God’s kingdom expand both now and for many more years into the future.  They understand that for this to happen, more servants are needed to help advance the cause of Christ.

Last Sunday our shepherds put forth Matt Lanius’s name for consideration to be appointed as a shepherd of the Walter Hill congregation.  Matt currently serves as one of our deacons and leads us in worship most Sundays as our song leader, something he has been doing since 2020.  When Matt is not leading singing publicly, he is still coordinating our song service.  He has helped in our Lads to Leaders program, taught in our education program and participated in various activities and ministries here at Walter Hill.  Matt, along with his wife Dayna, have two children: Lucas (the Sunday morning song leader at Stewart’s Creek Church of Christ) and Nicole (a senior at the University of Tennessee at Martin who faithfully attends the Martin Church of Christ while at school).

The elders are asking the congregation to prayerfully consider the qualifications of elders as taught in the New Testament.  Please spend some time reading and meditating on I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.  If anyone has a scriptural reason why Matt should not serve as an overseer here at Walter Hill, you are asked to submit that reason in writing with your name (print please) and to give it to one of our current shepherds.  Should there be no scriptural objections to Matt Lanius serving in the role of an elder, he will be appointed as a shepherd of the Walter Hill congregation on Sunday, January 26th.

We are very grateful for our current shepherds and appreciate our brother Matt and his willingness to serve alongside these godly brothers in this role.  Please prayerfully consider this request from our elders and pray for the Walter Hill congregation.  All of us hope and pray this congregation will be a light in this community and throughout the world for many years to come.  To God be all the glory!