
From Paul’s Pen

With each passing week, it is wonderful to see more faces we’ve not seen in a while. Hopefully, we will soon be past this pandemic, and everyone will be able to assemble together once again. Please don’t be lax in protecting yourself and others because we are still at risk; however, vaccinations and lower infection numbers should make us feel a little safer. If we can get out in public to shop and eat, we can surely come to worship God.

Our Sunday morning seating is now much like it was pre-COVID. But, for those who are still a little leery of such closeness, please join us on Sunday evenings for Bible classes when more space is allowed. There is no general assembly in the auditorium – we go directly to our classes for 45 minutes – and we have classes for everyone. There are two regular adult classes, a young families/young adult class, and a college-age/young adult class plus a teen class and classes for the younger children. The Lord’s Supper is served in the auditorium after the first bell is rung. We all need to feed on God’s word so please join us this Sunday evening at 6:00 P.M. and again on Wednesday evenings at 7:00.

I have been encouraged by those who’ve told me their faith is stronger because of the pandemic. That really doesn’t surprise me when we’ve had to rely so much on His providential care. Perhaps the chorus of this old hymn expresses what has happened!

One step at a time, dear Savior,

Till faith grows stronger in Thee:

One step at a time, dear Savior,

Till hope grows stronger in me.

Look forward to seeing you this Lord’s Day!