Here's what's coming up with the youth at Walter Hill!
Hello Parents,
We had a fantastic CYC! We are rejoicing with the 5 who had their sins washed away by God in baptism this past weekend! Please be praying for Lainey West, Gracie Spearman, Gabe Hintz, Maddox Ruhl, and Grant DeMario! There are more in our youth group who are thinking about baptism and studying baptism. Please be praying for these students as well.
Upcoming Events:
Equipped will continue every Friday from 6pm-8pm until Spring Break. Students should be working on their speeches at home and spend Friday nights practicing presenting. (The final 3 dates are March 1st, 8th, and 15th.)
Starting Sunday night, March 2nd – Combined Parent and Teen Class! We are going to have a combined teen and parent class in the youth room! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make plans to attend! This is going to be a very important class where we are going to be announcing some pretty cool stuff involving our youth ministry!
March 2nd – Singing at the Manor! Scott Miller will be driving the bus to the Manor and taking the students to eat afterwards. The bus will leave at 5:35pm. Matt Lanius will be there to help with the singing.
March 6th – Family Meal! There will be a meal provided at 6pm for our teens and their parents! This is a FAMILY MEAL we want the whole family to join us before our midweek Bible Study! So please make plans to join us – one week from today!
March 10th – Devotional at the Millers immediately after Bible Class. Boys bring drinks and girls bring desserts.
Wednesday nights starting March 13th we are going to have a different dad each week teaching on parables. We have some curriculum to help with preparation. Here’s a link to sign up and to see the parables to choose from. Please put your name next to the date you’d like to teach and the parable you would like to teach from, thank you!
March 17th – Young Men Lead Worship! Our young men will conduct an afternoon worship service. Please be sure to attend to encourage our young men. And if you have a son who will likely participate please be sure to encourage them to be involved.
March 19th – Biscuits n’ Prayer: we will meet at chick-fil-a at 7am and pray together at 7:20am so everyone can leave for School as they need.
March 29th-31st – Lads to Leaders: We leave for L2L Friday morning around 10am. Bus load up will begin at 9:30am. Those going on the trip will need money for a few meals and any shopping they might want to do at the Opry Mills Mall. We will be back Sunday Morning right around when worship is ending. More information is coming soon.
April Dates:
April 6th – Serves Up, DUDE! Saturday Morning we will travel to the Greens Lake Road Church of Christ, in East Ridge, TN to help with a door knocking campaign for their gospel meeting. We will spend all day together, door knocking, enjoy a surprise fun activity, and then come back to Murfreesboro for Singing at the Manor. Students will need money for lunch and the surprise activity. More details to come.
April 12-14 – Spring Retreat Booker T. Washington State Park
April 21st – Youth Devotional
April 30 – Biscuits n’ Prayer
In Him,
Chris Elrod