

Care Group 3: Please look for an email from “Walter Hill Church No Reply” which will contain a link to the page where you can sign up for care group assignments.

The church office is closed on Thursdays and is accessible by appointment only.


Shepherds’ Notes

             Once again, we are approaching the end of summer.  Cooler weather is just around the corner, but we also know how tricky Tennessee weather is, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a few more really hot days!  We are certain, however, that God is in control!  Genesis 8:22 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”(ESV)

With the Fall season comes lots of activities and opportunities to fellowship.  Today, in particular, we want to be mindful of a good number of our folks traveling for the Fall Camping Trip and our Ladies that are attending the Transform Ladies’ Conference in East Tennessee and pray for a safe return for everyone.

Our Primetimers are planning a trip to Granville on September 21st, our Fall Fellowship is on October 27th, and our Annual Gospel Singing is scheduled for November 8th.  Please keep an eye on the bulletin and News and Notes to stay on top of all our activities and opportunities to get involved in the Lord’s work.

Our theme this year has been “Equip” and we have had lessons and classes on equipping the saints for service in God’s kingdom.  We would encourage you to find an area of service or an activity that gets you more involved in the work here at Walter Hill.  Also, look for opportunities to spread the gospel all around you!  Jesus says in Matthew 9:37-38 “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (ESV)  As we look forward to the change in seasons, let’s remember that our mission is to make disciples.  We are all commanded to be laborers in the Lord’s harvest and bring the Gospel of Christ to those that are lost.  

As we enter the harvest season, let’s commit ourselves to be a laborer in the fields and spread the Word!

Sermon Topic


“Unlikely Heroes: The Courageous Conspirators”

Scripture Reading: Exodus 1:15-21

Youth In Action

Wednesday, September 4th: First Wednesday night meal! We will have a meal for all our youth group families, provided by the OWLS. This is for the whole family and will start at 6pm. Everything will be provided. 

Saturday, September 7th: Singing at the Manor! The bus will leave at 5:30pm and the singing will begin at 6pm at the Manor. Afterwards the youth will get dinner at Wendy’s and should be back to the building around 8:30pm. 

Reaching Rutherford is Friday, September 13th-Sunday, September 15th. Reaching Rutherford is a retreat at Hy-lake Christian Camp to help teens learn how to evangelize. Cost is $50. The bus will leave at 5:30pm and we should be back around 3:30 on Sunday. You can learn more and sign up here! 

Tuesday, September 24th: Biscuits n’ Prayer! The teens will meet at Chick-fil-a  for breakfast at 7am. We will pray together at 7:20 so students can leave as needed to get to school on time. 

Sunday, September 29th: Young Men Lead Worship during a 1pm worship service. If you are a young man interested in participating, please let Chris know. 

Wednesday, October 2nd: First Wednesday Night Meal for the whole Family! 

Saturday, October 5th: Miller’s Thrillers Haunted Woods!

Access the Fall Calendar here!

Remember In Prayer

Miranda Morton

Miranda Morton began cancer treatments in Atlanta on Monday, August 12.

Marie Clark

Marie Clark is in Room 1022 at Adams Place, but she hopes to be discharged sometime during the week of September 9.  (September 6)


Expectant Mothers

Please keep expectant mothers, Mallory Wilbanks, Abbi Thomson, Christina Lewis (daughter of Angela Wells), Savannah Terrell, and Rachel Harrub (daughter of Bob & Christy Tracy), in your prayers.

Continued Prayer Requests

Trampas McCracken, Beulah Harris, Randy Warren, Christy Wakefield, Marla Gregory, Marshal & Susan Horton, Marie Clark, Faye Pistole, Terri Bradford, Wanda Nelson, Rita Hill, James Richardson, Helen Warren, Juanita Brewer, Ashley Jones, Greg Ashburn, Sepal DeBerry, Stephen Schuller, Elaine Thomson, Mary Jane Argo, Helen Phillips, Butch Eades, Irene Nelson, John Sellers, Della Murphy, Jackye Stanfield, Barbara West, Rubin Horton, Timothy Ashburn, Jackie Gentry, Ken & Shirley Cobble, Roy Bradley, Rob Martin, Eddie Harris, Dawn Markum, Kevin Lawson, George Schimpf, and Mark Bassett.  Cancer: Lou Money, Bruce Bradford, Hector Cortez, Mary Creech, Alta Lanius, James Stanfield, Don Sommardahl, Jimmy Woodard, Joyce Jones, Emery Dougan, Serita Hines, Beverly Hines, Malaika Ballard, Dickie Mitchell, Kermit Murphy, Bobby Teems, Jeff Henson, Eric Burr, David Shaw, Phyllis Miller, Lisa Crowell, Kathy Vincion Givens, and Jennifer Collet.  Kidnapped children of our Christian family in Nigeria:  Asabe Lawa, Sarah Nkeki, Lugwa Samuel, Tabitha Sila, Saraya Amos, Hauwa Abdu, Rejoice Shaki, Esther John, Kauna Lalai, & Ruth Fillow.


Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study will be Thursday, September 12, at 6:00 p.m. at the church building. We need someone to sign up to provide the meal. Please see Randy Cary.

PrimeTimers trip to Granville, TN

PrimeTimers will be going to Granville, TN, on Saturday, September 21. It is Tennessee’s “Mayberry town”. We plan to eat there around 11 a.m. (family style meal) and then take the tour afterwards. The cost is $31 which includes the meal, gratuity, and tour. We need payment and a firm count of those going by Sunday, September 1. Sign-up sheet posted on PrimeTimers’ board in EDW. If you have any questions, please see Jonna McCracken.

Bridal Shower for Kylie Jernigan

We will have a bridal shower for Kylie Jernigan on Saturday, September 28, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the church building. She is registered at Amazon.

Walter Hill Cookbooks

Several years ago the Walter Hill congregation put together and published a cookbook of favorite recipes of our members. We still have copies of the cookbook available if anyone would like a copy or copies. They are $8 each and make nice gifts. If you would like a copy or copies, please contact Judy or Barbara Money.

Keep In Mind


Pantry Item This Month

Tuna / Chili / Crackers

Please place donations in the basket located in the lobby.

Bible Classes

  • Bible Classes

    Sunday 6 pm

    Auditorium – Living In The Kingdom – Patrick Jones

    Adult 2 – You Will Be My Witnesses – Justin Morton

    Sunday 6 pm

    Young Families/Young Adults – Room 109 – TBD – Bill Hutchens

    Wednesday 7 pm

    Auditorium – Jeremiah: The Wrestling Prophet – Tim Nance

    Adult 1 – Spiritual Patriots: Jude’s Call to Arms – Josh Cooper/Justin Morton

    Adult 2 (Ladies’ Bible Class) – Proverbs – Christy Hooper/Lisa Richardson

    Young Families/Young Adults – Room 109 – On Your Mark, Get Set, Go – Trey England



Sunday Morning — 275

Sunday Evening — 181

Wednesday — 214



Weekly Budget: $13,400.00
Contribution: $15,338.0
Year to Date Budget: $469,000.00
Year to Date Contribution: $520,575.00


Birthdays within the next 14 days:

Lisa Richardson10th Sep
Richard Kittrell11th Sep
Jacob Pagel15th Sep
Bill Ervin15th Sep
Stephanie Nance15th Sep
Mary Wilson15th Sep
Anna Grace Thomas17th Sep
Silas Donnell18th Sep
Pat Carter20th Sep
Cyndi Smith21st Sep
William Mitchell6th Sep


Wedding Anniversaries within the next 14 days:

NameWedding date
Rick & Marla Gregory7th Sep
Stan & Peggy Hasty7th Sep
Penny Gregory9th Sep
Richie & Kristy Bolin12th Sep
Alayna Petty12th Sep
Mike & Bernice McInturff14th Sep
Allison Krajick16th Sep
Trey & Kayla McCracken16th Sep
Jeremy & Andrea Jernigan19th Sep

New Members

Bible Readings