
Equipped to Study God’s Word

by Justin Morton

It’s hard to believe we are already in July and, much to the dismay of our teachers and students, the summer is half way over. We have already had many wonderful opportunities to study God’s Word, worship the Lord and fellowship with one another. But the great news is that we still have plenty more chances for these very things. Let’s highlight a few upcoming opportunities we have during the month of July to engage in the study of God’s Word.


This Sunday we are kicking off a new sermon series called “People of Prayer.” We are going to spend the month of July looking at this important spiritual discipline. While we are aware of the importance of prayer in our lives, many of us struggle to pray consistently or feel we don’t know what to say. In this series, we will look at the privilege, priority, pattern, power and the problems of prayer, so we can EQUIP ourselves to be “People of Prayer.”


Our annual Gospel meeting with guest speaker Allen Webster is only three weeks away: Friday, July 26th to Sunday, July 28th. For many years Brother Webster was the preacher for the Church of Christ in Jacksonville, AL. Presently, he teaches for the Memphis School of Preaching and the Georgia School of Theology. While you may not recognize his name, many of you are very familiar with Allen and his work. He is the editor and featured contributor of the publication, House to House, Heart to Heart, which is mailed monthly to many communities nationwide, including our own. The theme for our series of lessons is “Reigniting the Fire.” We will meet on Friday and Saturday nights @7PM and on Sunday @9AM, 10:30AM and 1PM, with a potluck fellowship meal between Bible class and the afternoon service. Please invite your friends and neighbors for this series of lessons!


While this opportunity is not hosted here at Walter Hill, the Connect Conference provides various classes to strengthen our faith and encourage us to evangelize. This conference takes place at the Crieve Hall Church of Christ in Nashville, July 24-26, and is well worth your time, even if you can only drive over for a few classes one day. You can find a flier in the educational lobby with more information or visit

I know we are all busy this summer. But these upcoming events present us the opportunity to study God’s Word and fellowship together. I hope you will make plans to join us as we strive together to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).