
The Ladies of Walter Hill Youth

by Chris Elrod

Just a few weeks ago our young men led us in worship. They did a fantastic job; we should be proud of them as a church family. When our young men lead in worship, I often speak of how proud I am of their effort, preparation, and willingness to lead. Then I often reflect and wish I would have mentioned our pride in the young ladies who faithfully serve the Lord. So, let’s recognize our young ladies and the ways they are a blessing. There are three things that come to mind when I think about the ladies in our youth group.

The first thing that comes to mind is the encouragement they provide to so many! Our ladies understand that no corrupt word should come out of our mouths but only such things that are good for building up(Ephesians 4:29).Our ladies are quick to say thank you, and to give an encouraging word. Many of our young ladies have the gift of encouragement and use it to God’s glory (Romans 12:8).

Not only are they encouragers, but they also are evangelistic. The ladies in our youth ministry often invite their friends to church and participate in Bible studies. They remind me of Priscilla, who along with her husband, Aquila, helped Apollos understand the way of God better (Acts 18:26). Our young ladies love God’s Word and want to help others know the goodness of God. They are quick to welcome visitors as honored guests and encourage involvement.

Lastly, our young ladies set an example of what it means to live for Christ. They love the Lord, and it is reflected in their actions. They understand their heavenly Father has called them to holiness (1 Peter 1:15) and they strive to live for Him, letting their light shine so that others might see their good works and glorify God (Matthew 5:16). One thing I certainly appreciate as their Bible class teacher, is that many of our young ladies regularly take notes during class. Their desire to understand God’s Word is refreshing.

I could continue and discuss the ways they care for the young children of our congregation, write cards, and help teach in the children’s classes. Certainly, our young ladies are a great example. Their faith and commitment to the Lord should encourage us and make us proud as a church family.

I am so thankful to work with the amazing youth at Walter Hill. I thank God for their parents who raise their children to be faithful Christians, and for the host of sisters who support our young ladies. But I am especially thankful that God blessed me with Emily, who partners with me in ministry and sets a great example for the young ladies at Walter Hill.