
Fellowship, Service and Prayer

by Justin Morton

Last Sunday was an enjoyable day for our Walter Hill family. We had the privilege of coming together to worship without any fear of harm from outside forces. This is a blessing we should never take for granted, because many of our brothers and sisters around the world are not as fortunate. Following our period of worship, we were blessed to sit in classes and engage in the study of God’s Word together. Our Bible classes provide a great opportunity for Biblical study each week, and we are thankful for all of our teachers who take time to study and prepare lessons. We continued our afternoon together by sharing a fellowship meal. The food was great as always, but the time of fellowship we were able to share was such a blessing. Finally, we capped off our day by once again joining in worship to our heavenly Father, being led by several of our young men. Each and every one of the guys who participated did a terrific job. If you were not here last Sunday, you sure missed a special day. As I reflected on our day, it felt very much like the way the early church might have spent their time together as we read about in Acts.

A couple of weeks ago, we ran a flier on the front page of our bulletin with details about our upcoming Fall Festival on Sunday, October, 27th. While many of the activities are similar to last year’s event, there is one notable change for this year. We are using our Fall Festival as an opportunity to restock our food pantry. Instead of the kid’s classes carving pumpkins, each class has designed a box that will be placed in the main lobby and also in the back of the auditorium to collect items for the Pantry Food Drive. Be sure to check all the boxes out.

Please bring peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned corn and canned green beans and place them in the box or boxes that you like the best! This will be fun for the kids and also help us be prepared to serve our community when needs arise. Our benevolence ministry is an important work that allows us to make connections with many who may not have a church home or relationship with the Lord.

Lastly, today was supposed to begin Round Two of our family returning to Atlanta for Miranda’s treatments. Unfortunately, Miranda had a minor setback so the plan is now for us to head back next Sunday afternoon. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel back and forth every weekend, and please pray for Miranda’s complete healing. We believe in the power of prayer and that God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20-21)! We love our Walter Hill family very much and cannot thank you enough for your love and support.