
The Importance of Outreach

by Justin Morton

Yesterday was a great day at Walter Hill. Over the course of a few hours yesterday morning, our building was filled with kids and their parents, here to enjoy some cookies and milk and to get their pictures made with Santa. A big thank you to Chris Elrod for organizing the event and to all of you “little elves” who pitched in and helped to make this event a success. We are so grateful to each and every one of you for the part you played in making yesterday special.

Days like yesterday are important. Some people may wonder why the church would go to all that trouble just so kids could eat cookies and have their pictures made with Santa. The reason is quite simple: outreach. Yesterday gave the Walter Hill congregation an opportunity to meet and get to know members of our community. This is important because the church is in the “soul saving” business. We are to follow in the steps of Jesus, who came to seek and save the lost (Lk. 19:10, Matt. 28:18-20).

We cannot reach people if we do not know people. Events like Cookies with Santa give us an opportunity to become known in our community. Each one of us lives near, works with and knows people who are lost and dying in their sins. May we never forget the mission Jesus left for us, his disciples Let’s use the opportunities we have, opportunities like yesterday, to invite our friends and neighbors to come to Walter Hill so they can learn about our Savior, Jesus Christ.