Fall is probably my favorite time of the year. The chill in the air and a little reprieve from the hot summer along with the anticipation of the holidays make it a very exciting time. It is also an exciting time for Walter Hill. We have several fall activities coming up including a camping trip, RUSH at Freed-Hardeman, our Fall Fellowship, our teen’s Fall Retreat, and our Annual Gospel Singing. If you haven’t attended our singing, please put it on your calendar now and make plans to attend. It is a great evening of beautiful singing and beautiful fellowship! I’m sure most families have events, vacations, or other activities planned this fall as well!
The date of this bulletin should remind us of the brevity of life. Some of us may recall the events on this day back in 2001 and for many of us, that day is still etched in our memory. Other days in this month from recent years are also etched in our memory that remind us of the same. As of today, there are 111 days left in 2022 (depending on how you count). Little did we think about the time left in the year 2001 and how our lives would be changed after that single day. It should remind us to treasure the time with which we have been blessed. Count our blessings for the first 254 days of this year and make the most out of the 111 days left. Don’t wait until 2023 to make new resolutions. Resolve now to appreciate what we have, love who we have with us, and use the activities this fall to bring glory to an Almighty God and bring people to Christ!