
From Chris’s Computer

Wow, I’ve now been at Walter Hill for just over 3 years, and it has certainly been a great blessing. The last year and a half have been filled with even more blessings since Emily has been with me at Walter Hill regularly.  She is such a bright spot in the lives of our teens, especially our young ladies. I am so grateful for her.

We have both been so blessed by Paul and Gail. They have been huge encouragements to us since the beginning. I am so thankful Paul will be sticking around and for the guidance he will continue to provide as we work together. Emily and I are looking forward to the Morton’s arrival as well. We are confident they will be a blessing to Walter Hill and to us personally.

This weekend, we traveled up to our Alma mater, Freed-Hardeman, for “Making Music”, a show the students put on each April. We have been greatly anticipating getting away for the weekend. It’s sometimes just so nice to get away to rest.

The book of Hebrews reminds us of a rest, far superior to any rest we can experience at the nicest hotel. Heaven is going to be a great rest for all of God’s family to experience. Heaven will be a permeant rest from the heartaches of Earth, from the temptations we face, and the stress of life.

Yet, if we want to experience this rest, we must remember Hebrews 4:11 where we are encouraged to make every effort to enter the rest, so we don’t fall into a pattern of disobedience. This is a critical reminder for us. We must be obedient to the Word of God if we want to enter the heavenly rest!