Come grow with us.
Bible knowledge and school classes are a top priority. This is a great place for your family to learn and excel.
Spring – Egg Hunt
Summer – VBS
Fall – trunk-or-treat
Winter – Cookies w/ Santa
Men and women aged 50 and older make up the Primetimer group at Walter Hill. Eating together is a common theme, but the group also enjoys occasional day trips, overnight trips, service projects, and other activities where they can enjoy fellowship together.
Women in God’s Service
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
Lads to Leaders is a youth leadership program for boys and girls from kindergarten through senior in High School. The program is built to mentor and train our youth to develop and strengthen core leadership skills within the Church. These leadership skills include leadership through speech, leadership through knowledge, leadership with action, leadership through team building and leadership through confidence. These skills are developed through speech, debate, art, song leading, songs of praise, Bible Bowl, Puppets and scripture reading. Our Church practices and polishes these activities for an annual convention that is held Friday and Saturday before Easter. The convention is a great time to grow as a Church as well as the encouragement that comes from thousands or youth participating in the annual convention.
The School of Biblical Studies located in Jos, Nigeria, began in 1989 with 12 students enrolled in a two-year diploma course. Today, there are 137 full-time students enrolled in 2, 3, and 4-year Bible curriculum programs, plus they offer four-year B.A. degrees in Biblical Studies and Ministry. Over 600 graduates are now in the field evangelizing in several African nations, including Nigeria, Chad, Uganda, Ghana, and Cameroon, among others.
Most weekends and holidays, students are actively involved in evangelizing in neighboring villages and cities. Walter Hill provides support for these students in their evangelism efforts.
Walter Hill church has had a good relationship with Steve Worley for many years. Groups from Walter Hill have made trips to do mission work in Nigeria with Steve in recent years. Steve was instrumental in getting the school started and he currently serves as the Director of Development for the school. He regularly travels to Jos to provide support for the school.
A Walter Hill missions group met Malissa Eddy and Okello Bob on a recent trip to Uganda. They are very capable evangelists working primarily in northern and eastern Uganda. They travel from village to village teaching the gospel and encouraging the saints.
In addition to supporting Maliisa Eddy and Okello Bob, Walter Hill church works with Rhone Ezati, the president of the Uganda Christian Bible College. He and Steve Worley have coordinated mission trips for groups from Walter Hill over the last few years. Vacation Bible School classes for children, tent meeting evangelism, and Bible classes for adults are typical objectives for groups going to Uganda.
Walter Hill has made multiple mission trips to El Salvador. Groups going to El Salvador present Vacation Bible School style classes to children, neighborhoods are canvassed where residents are invited to evangelistic meetings, and church members are encouraged. These trips have been coordinated by Hector Cortez, the local minister in Ataco, El Salvador. Hector’s wife, Rachel, is the sister of one of our members. Although Hector is now working as a Hispanic minister in Knoxville, he is still coordinating mission trips to El Salvador
Several Walter Hill members have been involved in mission work in Honduras. This work is coordinated Ambassadors for Christ under the oversight of the Smyrna congregation. Often, a group from Walter Hill will go with a group from Middle Tennessee Christian School. In addition to evangelizing and teaching children’s Bible classes, groups going to Honduras also aid in providing medical, nourishment, and housing assistance
We are delighted you have stopped by our web site and invite you to learn more about our congregation online. We also would be honored to have you visit us and give us an opportunity to answer any questions and become great friends. It is our goal to serve God, serve our fellowman and grow together along the way! Come see for yourself what is like to become a light on the hill.