
From Chris’s Computer

Students are out of school and our congregation is racing into summer activities. We have already celebrated our seniors and have moved up the upcoming 7th graders into our youth group. It’s exciting to think about all the growth that our seniors have experienced in their time with our youth ministry and all the growth that our 7th graders will experience in the years to come.

It’s our hope that these seniors leave knowing God’s will for them, “their sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 4:3) and that they will continue to live for Christ as they enter college and/or the work force. It’s also our hope that as these 7th graders enter the youth ministry, that they not only learn God’s will for them but also embrace it, becoming a more active part of God’s family here at Walter Hill.

Perhaps, one of the greatest lessons our seniors have learned is the importance of God’s church. This lesson has been taught in the way we care for one another as a church family. They have seen you care for one another in good times and in times of tragedy. You have also taught them through investment; from donating snacks for CYC, asking them how they are, or even teaching their Bible class. You have shown that they are a valuable part of the church. You have demonstrated that God’s people, the church, want to make a difference in each other’s lives and that it’s extremely possible. Thank you for investing in our students who are leaving the youth group and thank you for your continued investment in the lives of our students who are just joining us.

It’s my hope and prayer that parents of all aged children recognize the value that our family here at Walter Hill can bring to the lives of their children.