by Chris Elrod
Everyone is going through something. We often don’t know what people are going through but nonetheless, most people are going through something. This is vital to remember, as it makes interactions with others tricky. Sometimes frustration is poured out on us, but it doesn’t really have anything to do with us. These moments can make showing the love of Christ challenging. Yet, remembering that everyone is going through something can help us be more patient. Afterall, we have likely been guilty of taking our frustrations out on others, unjustifiably. Imagine how our world would be better if we applied the golden rule (Matthew 7:12) more consistently! Reminding ourselves that everyone is experiencing challenges and frustrations, helps us be more patient and calls us to action.
A large amount of the stress and hardships we experience today have to do with mental health. Murfreesboro has felt pain from multiple suicides in the past few weeks. I hope we will pray for the families impacted, and for others who are struggling with depression and various other aspects of mental health. Situations like these reminds us of how desperately we all need Christ and His church! This is our call to action.
We must step up and share God’s love. People need to feel God’s love in the way we display our love toward them. We never know the impact we can have by saying an encouraging word. The world needs to know they are loved by God and His church. So, share the love of God with co-workers, neighbors, or even a random person in the grocery store. Smile, be kind, and respond with love, even to those who are hateful. Live like someone who has been redeemed, not because we deserve it, but because of God’s love.
Lean in on God’s family, and know we love you! We are so blessed to have a church family who loves us and supports us. We have elders who are wise men of God. They are capable of sharing wisdom no matter the challenges we face. Justin and I are here to support our elders in caring for you. All of us love you and are happy to pray for you. Johnny Trail, our church’s therapist, is available on Thursdays and his information can be found in the bulletin and on our church’s website. There are women in our church family who are more than capable of sharing wise counsel with our sisters who might need the help of another sister, and I know women who are Christian counselors who can help you navigate hardship. We are blessed with an abundance of support, if we will use it. The key is to find someone to lean on and to be someone who others can lean on.