Bulletin News

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study will be Thursday, September 12, at 6:00 p.m. at the church building. We need someone to sign up to provide the meal. Please see Randy Cary.

PrimeTimers trip to Granville, TN

PrimeTimers will be going to Granville, TN, on Saturday, September 21. It is Tennessee’s “Mayberry town”. We plan to eat there around 11 a.m. (family style meal) and then take the tour afterwards. The cost is $31 which includes the meal, gratuity, and tour. We need payment and a firm count of those going by Sunday, September 1. Sign-up sheet posted on PrimeTimers’ board in EDW. If you have any questions, please see Jonna McCracken.

Bridal Shower for Kylie Jernigan

We will have a bridal shower for Kylie Jernigan on Saturday, September 28, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the church building. She is registered at Amazon.

Walter Hill Cookbooks

Several years ago the Walter Hill congregation put together and published a cookbook of favorite recipes of our members. We still have copies of the cookbook available if anyone would like a copy or copies. They are $8 each and make nice gifts. If you would like a copy or copies, please contact Judy or Barbara Money.