Bulletin News

Men’s Leadership Day

Men’s Leadership Day at Walter Hill will be Saturday, January 11. All men of the congregation, including our young men, are encouraged to attend. This year, Matt Miller from 109 church of Christ will be our speaker. More info to come.

New Year’s Eve Fellowship

Make plans to spend New Year’s Eve with your church family. We will begin at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31. Please bring your favorite finger foods and drinks to share. Also bring your favorite games. We will eat and then play games until around 11:30 p.m. After that, we will clean up and sing in the New Year! If you have any questions, please see Lisa Richardson.

Walter Hill Cookbooks

Several years ago the Walter Hill congregation put together and published a cookbook of favorite recipes of our members. We still have copies of the cookbook available if anyone would like a copy or copies. They are $8 each and make nice gifts. If you would like a copy or copies, please contact Judy or Barbara Money.