
Hearts Belonging to Jesus

by Justin Morton

             Sometimes simply saying “thank you” seems so insignificant.  Since learning of Miranda’s diagnosis, so many of you have reached out, sent cards, given gifts and taken Miranda’s name before the throne of our Almighty Father in heaven.  Our family has been so overwhelmed by the love and support shown to us during this time.

             To say the last few months have been a challenge is certainly an understatement.  While we have ministered to others who have gone through similar health situations, it is just different when it hits this close to home.  Although Miranda’s journey to healing is not complete, and we still have a battle in the coming months and years, we know we have your love, support and prayers to help us as we continue to navigate the journey ahead.  So from the bottom of our hearts, the Morton family would like to say, THANK YOU!  We truly love the good people of Walter Hill.

When Jesus was meeting with His apostles before He would suffer on Calvary’s cross, He made a statement that our family has seen lived out by our brethren.  Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35).

Jesus commanded His apostles to “love one another.”  This command is not optional in the life of a follower of Jesus.  It is not something we get to decide if we will do or not.  Loving others is a command we are expected to live out.  In fact, loving one another is considered one of the two greatest commands given (Matthew 22:37-40).  Let that sink in.  Of all the commands the Jewish people were concerned with, it really boiled down to only two.  Just love God and love others.  If a person does both of these well, he or she will be living right.

Tina Turner used to sing, “What’s love got to do with it?”  Well, in the case of Christians, it has everything to do with it.  You see, it is by our love that others will know we are disciples of Jesus.  Your love for our family is a living testimony, and it is making an impact on those in the clinic in Atlanta.  Your support and encouragement has allowed Miranda to take a beautiful blanket and a stack of cards into her treatments EVERY DAY.  The nurses, doctors and other patients cannot get over the care she has received from our church family.  They talk about it every day.  Loving others is proof our hearts belong to Jesus, and your actions show your hearts belong to Jesus!  We consider it a great honor to be counted among such wonderful people whose hearts belong to Jesus.