
A Personal Invitation

by Justin Morton

We have so much to be grateful for here at Walter Hill. God has been good to us in many different ways. He has blessed us with quite a bit of growth, and each week we have a host of visitors in attendance. While some of these visitors may have a church home or a religious background, others who are visiting may not have a church home or do not have a relationship with Jesus. Here at Walter Hill, we want to live out the great commission and carry the Gospel to as many people as possible (Matthew 28:18-20). And while it’s great we have visitors coming through our doors, let’s not forget about the power of a personal invitation.

We have several events coming up in the next couple of months that provide great opportunities to invite our family, friends and neighbors. Consider a few of these events and make plans to attend and invite others to join you.

Vacation Bible School June 2-5: I know many people believe Vacation Bible School is a kids’ program. And while the focus that week is on our children, adults can benefit from VBS as well. We have 4 guest speakers lined up to be with us for our evening adult class. So whether you have kids or not, VBS is a great opportunity to invite someone to visit Walter Hill with you. Who doesn’t enjoy seeing kids get excited about God and His Word?

Equip Class Starting Wednesday, June 12: We are going to do something a little different this next quarter. On Wednesday nights this summer, all of our adult classes will be meeting in the auditorium for a joint class. This class series is based on our congregational theme for the year. Several men of our congregation will be discussing practical ways we can be equipped to serve in our homes, church and community. A schedule of the class topics for each week will be available soon.

Gospel Meeting July 26-28: Our annual Gospel Meeting this year will feature guest speaker, Allen Webster. Brother Webster was a preacher for the Jacksonville Church of Christ in Jacksonville, AL for many years. Currently he teaches at the Memphis School of Preaching in Memphis, TN. Many of you may recognize his name because he is the editor and featured contributor of the publication, House to House Heart to Heart. Brother Webster will be doing a series of lessons on the theme “Reigniting the Fire”. Please make plans to join us for this series.

I know the summer is filled with vacations, family events and perhaps longer hours at work. However, if at all possible, make plans to be here for these summer events. And go ahead and personally invite someone to join you. Who knows, it just might lead to someone choosing to follow Jesus (John 1:35-51).