Planted in the Hands of God

worship times

Sunday Worship 8:30 AM or 10:00 AM
Sunday Bible Study 5:00 PM

Bible Based

We believe the Bible contains everything pertaining to life and faith; therefore, it is our sole source of authority in these matters

(Colossians 3:17; 2 Peter 1:3).


The youth ministry exist to equip disciples of Christ, as a family, to change our world. We do this by helping students BELONG to Christ and His Church, GROW in Christlikeness, and LEAD through service and evangelism opportunities!

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Young Families

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it –  Proverbs 22:6

The soil to grow your young family is rich here at Walter Hill.  Jesus loved young adults and children, so do the Christians who meet at Walter Hill.  From young single adults to young families with children to young couples who have not started having children yet, Walter Hill welcomes you to worship with us and participate in the educational opportunities and activities we have.


Maturing Spiritually, Socially and in Service.

Primetimers are a group of senior Christians, age 50 and older, who are active in the life and work of the Walter Hill church.  We strive to increase our knowledge of Jesus Christ in Bible classes, devotionals, and personal study.  We plan several social activities throughout the year including some day trips and an occasional overnight trip.  We look to give of ourselves in serving others as we have the opportunity.

What we believe

Our goal is to be the church Christ established as described in the New Testament. That is why we work together as a family and why we worship as we do.


    • Brad Harrub – Focus Press
    • Cletus Ikechnicwu – Nigeria
    • Eastern European Missions
    • Honduras
    • In Search of the Lord’s Way
    • Japheth Obadiah – Nigeria
    • Maliisa Eddy – Uganda
    • Nigeria School of Biblical Studies
    • Nigerian SBS Student Support
    • Okello Bob – Uganda
    • Riley Hendrix – Coral Springs, FL
    • Steve Worley – Nigerian/Uganda
    • World Bible School
    • World Christian Broadcasting

Women in God’s Service

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10

19 ways for women to get involved

• Bridal & Baby Showers Blessings Baskets
• High school Graduation
• PrimeTimers
• Sunshine Baskets
• Widows & Widowers Brunch

Lads to Leaders

Lads to Leaders is a youth leadership program for boys and girls from kindergarten through senior in High School.  The program is built to mentor and train our youth to develop and strengthen core leadership skills within the Church.

Counseling Service

Dr. Johnny O. Trail LMFT

Dr. Johnny O. Trail is a state licensed marriage and family therapist.  He is licensed to see individuals, couples and families for various reasons.  He works with couples who have infidelity issues, communication problems, and other marital problems.  He also works with couples in premarital counseling situations.  He sees individuals for anxiety, depression, grief recovery, and various disorders.  

To schedule an appointment for counseling, use the contact information above. Please leave a voice mail with your name, contact number, and an e-mail address or send a text message.

• American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists                        • Tennessee Association of Marriage and Family Therapists  

Bible Classes

  • Sunday 6 pm

    Auditorium – Living In The Kingdom – Patrick Jones

    Adult 2 – You Will Be My Witnesses – Justin Morton

    Sunday 6 pm

    Young Families/Young Adults – Room 109 – TBD – Bill Hutchens

    Wednesday 7 pm

    Auditorium – Jeremiah: The Wrestling Prophet – Tim Nance

    Adult 1 – Spiritual Patriots: Jude’s Call to Arms – Josh Cooper/Justin Morton

    Adult 2 (Ladies’ Bible Class) – Proverbs – Christy Hooper/Lisa Richardson

    Young Families/Young Adults – Room 109 – On Your Mark, Get Set, Go – Trey England


Bob Tracy

Brian Byrd

Randall Smith

Randy Cary


Justin Morton


Chris Elrod

Youth Minister

Janice Vance

Office Manager

Greetings from the Christians at Walter Hill church of Christ.

We are delighted you have stopped by our web site and invite you to learn more about our congregation online. We also would be honored to have you visit us and give us an opportunity to answer any questions and become great friends. It is our goal to serve God, serve our fellowman and grow together along the way! Come see for yourself what is like to become a light on the hill.

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